Nlh Short Deck
Short Deck Hold’em (6+) – v133

An adapted Short Deck (6+) variant of GTO+ is now also available.
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Nlh Short Deck Meaning
The Short Deck variant is currently offered in beta.
From what we can tell all equity and hand strength calculations are performed correctly.
Should we have overlooked anything, then please let us know.
Nlh Short Deck Plans
GTO+ Short Deck is sold separately.
To purchase, then please use the links below:
Credit card
🔱 The likes of Tom Dwan, Rui Cao, Timofey 'Trueteller' Kuznetsov Tan Xuan, and Mikita Badziakouski sat down for a Short Deck Cash Game session during #Trito. EVENT 11: SHORT DECK NLH Venue: The Olympic Kingsway Date: 24 Januar. Y 2021 Entry: $80 Re-entry: 2 x Per Player Start Bank: T$20,000 Rego: 6:00 PM Game On: 7:00 PM Late Rego: End of the first blind set after the break Blinds: 15 min blinds Shot Clock: No - Cash Game NLH Blind: 5/5 Commission: 10% Capped at $20 Min/Max Buy In: $300/$1,000 Blind: 2/5 Commission: 10% Capped at $20 Min/Max.
Changes compared to regular Hold’em
For the short deck variant, the following changes have been made:
1) Cards 5 through 2 have been removed from the deck
2) Flush beats full house
3) A6789 is a straight
4) Trips beats straight is an optional setting
At the moment no Short Deck version of FlopzillaPro is yet available.
Most likely this will be added in the near future, although we can not make any guarantees to this yet.